Pantrypoints Pantrypoints


April 22, 2022 1 minutes  • 175 words

Mix is a build tool for Elixir.

It scaffolds a new app as a project which has:

  • project:
    • dependencies as deps
    • tests
  • application (a Module that runs the Supervision tree, starting and stopping it)
mix new app_name --sup
mix app_name options

mix options:

Option Description
--umbrella generate an umbrella project
--database database adapter for Ecto either: postgres, mysql, mssql, sqlite3,
--no-esbuild do not include esbuild. This is for API only apps
--no-assets equivalent to --no-esbuild and --no-tailwind
--no-dashboard do not include Phoenix.LiveDashboard
--no-ecto do not generate Ecto files
--no-gettext do not generate gettext files
--no-html do not generate HTML views
--no-live comment out LiveView socket setup in assets/js/app.js. Automatically disabled if --no-html is given
--no-mailer do not generate Swoosh mailer files
--no-tailwind do not include tailwind dependencies and assets. The generated markup will still include Tailwind CSS classes, those are left-in as reference for the subsequent styling of your layout and components
--binary-id use binary_id as primary key type in Ecto schemas
--verbose use verbose output
-v --version prints the Phoenix installer version
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