Pantrypoints Pantrypoints


August 22, 2023 5 minutes  • 935 words
Table of contents
  • Data types
    • Built-in types

    • Data types without a module

    • Other Data types

  • Enum
  • Behaviours: Modules that are publicly-available APIs
    • GenServer (part of OTP)
    • Supervisor (part of OTP)
    • Protocols


Syntax Description
_ unused variable
! for times when you want the error details from Elixir directly. Having no ! lets your write the error manually
? check if true or false
is_something/1 checks if true or false for guard clauses
function/1 Arity is the number of arguments that a function takes.

System modules

Modules that interface with the underlying system, such as:

  1. IO - handles input and output
  2. File - interacts with the underlying file system
  3. Path - manipulates file system paths
  4. System - reads and writes system information

Process-based and application-centric functionality

The following modules build on top of processes to provide concurrency, fault-tolerance, and more.

Module Description
Agent a process that encapsulates mutable state
Application functions for starting, stopping and configuring applications
GenServer a generic client-server API
Registry a key-value process-based storage
Supervisor a process that is responsible for starting, supervising and shutting down other processes
Task a process that performs computations
Task.Supervisor a supervisor for managing tasks exclusively

Code Behaviours

Access Behaviour - for key-based data

# Setting
map1 = %{key: 1}
map2 = %{"key" => 2}

# Calling via Access Behaviour
# 1

# 1

# error

# 2

Object-oriented programming uses Classes that define the mold for objects which are instances of that Class. Each object thus has the methods of that class. Data is then passed to those objects and manipulated according to the Class methods.

Functional programming uses Module Functions with sub functions instead of methods. Data is passed through the functions as immutable data.

Elixir Universe Description Java Universe
Erlang Language Java
Elixir Easier Language Groovy, Kotlin
Beam Where language runs JVM
OTP Libraries JDK
GenServer Server Functions Spring Boot
Mix Build Tool Gradle, Maven
Phoenix Web Framework Spring MVC
LiveView Websocket Framework Spring-websocket

Elixir Compiler Steps:

  1. Read file
  2. Tokenize
  3. Parse (builds Abstract Syntax Tree [has precedence])
  4. Expand Macros
  5. Apply Rewrite Rules
  6. Lower Elixir AST to Erlang AST

Erlang Compiler

  1. Compile Erlang AST to Core AST
  2. Core Optimizations & True Inlining
  3. Compile Pattern Matching

Kernel Erlang

  1. Run Kernel Optimizations
  2. Generate and Optimize Assembly
  3. Generate bytecode
  4. Write .beam file

Elixir Files

.ex is a compile file

.exs is a script file


_anonymous_variable is used to tell that that variable is unused. For example: {:ok, _contents}

arguments -> expression

Module.__info__(:functions) exposes the functions of the Module

method! returns error if there is an error

Elixir Expressions

{function, metadata, arguments}

h Module_name helper function that shows help info for the Module


[atom: data, "string atom": data] is the same as [{:atom, data}, {"string atom": data}]

Pipe Operator


passes output of earlier function into the next function due to the functional or flowing nature of Elixir. This requires the functional programmer to have more intelligence than an object-oriented programmer as to remember the long chain of cause and effect

puts the result in the last series

Pattern Matching Rules

= is a ‘match operator’ not an equals sign. This requires more intelligence from the programmer as to decide whether two sides match or not, instead of being equal to just one side like in object-oriented or procedural programming.

  • accepts left and right ‘operands’, with left being dominant
  • if left is a letter/s, the right is bound to that letter/s-variable x = 1
x = 'a'
'b' = x # error because left must be a letter/s or number such as 1 + 1 = 2
b = b # error because right side needs non-variable
  • if right is a letter/s, the right is matched to the value of the left x = y
  • entering new match operators x = 2 will re-bind the operands
  • pin operator ^ prevents re-binding so it prevents the operand does not change

Integer Separator

1123_456_789 --> 123456789








Non-Strict Comparison


Strict Comparison


String literals

\ escape character indicates a special string with certain abilities

  • \n new line eg:

#{} interpolation inserts expression within the string

"Donald Trump #{'J' == 'r' == '.'}"

Atom literal

used as labels or tags


Recursion (Iteration)

Conditional Macros for the Lazy

-> if-then

case condition do
    true -> a
    false -> b
case mega_function(input) do
    {:error, error_message} -> {:error, error_message}
    {:ok, mega_function_output} -> case mini_function(input) do  
        {:error, error_message} -> {:error, error_message}
        {:ok, input} -> %{key: mini_function_output}

with <- if-then, if-then, if-then

case mega_function(input) do
    with {:ok, mini_function_output} <- mini_function(input)} do
        {:ok, %{key: mini_function_output} 
        # mega_function_ouput has mini_function_output inside of it

Guard Clauses

Filters functions

def function_name(input) when condition1 do

def function_name(input) when condition2 do


enclosed in Modules

def function_name(argument_name) do

def function_name(argument_name\\ "default-value-if-no-argument-name-is-given") do

Anonymous Functions


function_name = fn(argument1, argument2, argument3..) -> argument1 + argument2 + argument3.. end


square = fn(x) -> x * x end
function_name = fn(a,b,c,d) -> (a,b,c,d)
function_name = &(&1 + &2 + &3 + &4)
function_name = &(ModuleName.another_function/4)


function_name.(4) #anonymous function
function_name(4) #named function

Capture Operator: Shortcut for those lazy to write code

&1 is the shortcut for the arguments in fn(x..) -> x..

&1 #represents or captures the first argument 
&2 #represents or captures the second argument


function_name = &(&1 * &2)
&(Module.function_name/1) #shortcut for the whole Module
var_too_lazy_to_type_module = &(LongNamedModule.long_named_function/100)

Erlang Functions

IO.puts "whatever"


container for the functions

defmodule ModuleName1 do
  def function_name(argument1, argument2,..) do 
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