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How to Fix No Bootable Device on Acer ES1 132

September 23, 2023 2 minutes  • 273 words
Table of contents

This assumes you want to install Ubuntu, Mint, Fedora, Android OS, OpenSUSE, or Red Hat instead of Windows.

Step 1

Create a live USB installer for your OS

Step 2

Plug it in the laptop and set up the BIOS to boot from the USB

Step 3

Install the OS on your hard disk. We assume you have Mint which is Ubuntu anyway.

Step 4

Open “Disks”

Choose your hard disk partition that has “EFI System”. Click on its link which in our case is /boot/efi


Step 5

It will open the File Manager, saying you don’t have permissions to view it.

Go back one folder to /boot then right click on efi and select Open as Root

You will see an EFI folder. Enter it to see a folder named after your OS. In our case, it was ubuntu. The problem was that our folder only had grubx64.efi as \EFI\ubuntu\grubx64.efi when Acer was looking for grub.efi or any of these files in hardcoded locations:

File OS Boot type
\EFI\Linux\BOOTX64.efi Linux
\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi Windows Boot Manager
\EFI\ubuntu\shim.efi ubuntu Secure Boot
\EFI\ubuntu\shim$cpu$.efi ubuntu Secure Boot
\EFI\ubuntu\grub.efi ubuntu
\EFI\fedora\shim.efi Fedora
\EFI\android\bootx64.efi Android
\EFI\opensuse\grubx64.efi openSUSE
\EFI\redhat\grub.efi Red Hat Linux
\EFI\SuSE\elilo.efi SuSE Linux
\EFI\ubuntu\grub$cpu$.efi ubuntu

Step 6

So, depending on your OS, copy the grub and/or shim file and put it and rename it to match the requirements of Acer.

In our case, we copied grubx64.efi and renamed it into grub.efi

This allowed Acer to pickup the boot loader and load Mint. We didn’t need to buy a new laptop.

Step 7

Reboot. Hopefully this will boot the OS. If not, copy grub.efi and rename it to \EFI\Linux\BOOTX64.efi

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