Pantrypoints Pantrypoints


August 22, 2023 2 minutes  • 308 words
Table of contents


A sigil is a tilde with a character.

Sigil Generates..
~C ..a character list with no escaping nor interpolation
~c ..a character list with escaping and interpolation
~R .. a regular expression with no escaping or interpolation
~r .. a regular expression with escaping and interpolation
~S .. a string with no escaping or interpolation
~s .. a string with escaping and interpolation
~W .. a word list with no escaping or interpolation
~w .. a word list with escaping and interpolation
~N .. a NaiveDateTime struct
~U .. a DateTime struct (since Elixir 1.9.0)
~D converts to date which can be accessed by .day .year .month

Sigils are used with delimiters:

<…> A pair of pointy brackets {…} A pair of curly brackets […] A pair of square brackets (…) A pair of parentheses |…| A pair of pipes /…/ A pair of forward slashes “…” A pair of double quotes ‘…’ A pair of single quotes

Char List

~c/2 + 7 = #{2 + 7}/ #interpolates
'2 + 7 = 9'

~C/2 + 7 = #{2 + 7}/ #does not interpolate
'2 + 7 = \#{2 + 7}'


re = ~r/elixir/

iex> "Elixir" =~ re

iex> "elixir" =~ re
string = "100_000_000"

iex> Regex.split(~r/_/, string) # ~r/_/ splits the _ and .split turns it to a list
["100", "000", "000"]


~s/welcome to elixir #{String.downcase "SCHOOL"}/
"welcome to elixir school"

~S/welcome to elixir #{String.downcase "SCHOOL"}/
"welcome to elixir \#{String.downcase \"SCHOOL\"}"

Word List

iex> ~w/i love #{'e'}lixir school/
["i", "love", "elixir", "school"]

iex> ~W/i love #{'e'}lixir school/
["i", "love", "\#{'e'}lixir", "school"]


NaiveDateTime.from_iso8601("2015-01-23 23:50:07") == {:ok, ~N[2015-01-23 23:50:07]}


DateTime.from_iso8601("2015-01-23 23:50:07Z") == {:ok, ~U[2015-01-23 23:50:07Z], 0}
DateTime.from_iso8601("2015-01-23 23:50:07-0600") == {:ok, ~U[2015-01-24 05:50:07Z], -21600}

Custom Sigils

defmodule MySigils do
  def sigil_p(string, []), do: String.upcase(string)

import MySigils

~p/elixir school/
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