Pantrypoints Pantrypoints

Session Plan

January 18, 2022 1 minutes  • 181 words
Table of contents

Session [Lesson] Plan is a simply stated, clearly written and flexible trainer aid for conducting a session or module. It is:

  • based on the curriculum of the unit of competency
  • accomplished according to the suggested format

Benefits of a Session Plan

  1. Gives the trainers an idea of where they are and where they are going
  2. Gives the trainers and the learners a clear idea of what they are doing
  3. Records the training sessions the trainers have taken
  4. Gives the trainers a starting point if they have to do the training again with another learner or group of learners
  5. Gives the trainers a firm base to review their performance

8 Steps For Designing an Effective Session Plan

  1. Define the purpose of the training and target audience
  2. Determine participants’ characteristics and training needs
  3. Define training goals and objectives
  4. Outline training content
  5. Develop instructional activities
  6. Prepare the written session plan
  7. Prepare participants’ evaluation forms
  8. Determine follow-up activities for the event

Elements Of A Session Plan

  1. Industry Sector
  2. Qualification Title and Level
  3. Unit of Competency
  4. Module Title
  5. Learning Outcomes
  6. Introduction
  7. Learning Activities
  8. Evaluation
  9. Teacher’s Reflection
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