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Training Regulations

January 18, 2022 1 minutes  • 153 words
Table of contents

Training Regulations

These are the rules that testing centers and courses must abide by.

The Training Regulation (TR) is the document for competency assessment and curriculum development for competency-based technical education.

The Training Regulations has 2 components:

  1. Occupational skills standard
  2. Training standards

The Training Regulations serve as basis for the:

  • Competency assessment and certification
  • Registration and delivery of training programs
  • Development of curriculum and assessment instruments

Every qualification has its own Training Regulation. These can be downloaded at the TESDA website ( ).

Section Description Contents
Qualification A qualification is made up of competencies
  • Competencies (Basic, Common, Core)
  • Job titles of workers qualified
  • Competency Standards These specify the competencies required Compentency-Elements that will become Learning Objectives
    Training Standards This contains information and requirements in designing a training program for a certain Qualification
  • Curriculum design
  • Training delivery
  • Trainee entry requirements
  • Tools equipment and materials
  • Training facilities
  • Trainer’s qualification
  • Institutional assessment
  • National Assessment and Certification Arrangement Steps to get the actual NCx
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