Pantrypoints Pantrypoints

Training Resources

Training Resources for Pantrypoints services

9 CBT Areas
January 18, 2022
9 CBT Areas →
9 CBT Areas
COC2 Script
January 18, 2022
COC2 Script →
Communication is the transfer of information by conveying intended meaning to another entity through the use of mutually-understood means
Communication and Effective Questioning
January 18, 2022
Communication and Effective Questioning →
Communication is the transfer of information by conveying intended meaning to another entity through the use of mutually-understood means
Competency Based Curriculum
January 18, 2022
Competency Based Curriculum →
Competency Based Curriculum and Course Design
Emotions and Feelings
January 18, 2022
Emotions and Feelings →
Emotions are instinctive and neurological reactions to a stimulus, creating biochemical and electrical reactions activated through neuro-transmitters and hormones released by the brain (e.g., frightened by a sudden loud noise).
Focus Group Discussion
January 18, 2022
Focus Group Discussion →
Focus group discussions are used to gain knowledge about a particular topic or need by interviewing a group of people directly affected by the issue
Gagne Theory
January 18, 2022
Gagne Theory →
Robert Gagné, an educational psychologist, created a theory that focuses on how to organize learning experiences
Learners Learning Objective
January 18, 2022
Learners Learning Objective →
Communication is the transfer of information by conveying intended meaning to another entity through the use of mutually-understood means
January 18, 2022
Observation →
Observation is actual evidence gathering
Occupational Safety and Health
January 18, 2022
Occupational Safety and Health →
Occupational safety and health is a discipline with aims to protect every worker against the dangers of injury, sickness or death through safe and healthful working conditions
Problem Solving
January 18, 2022
Problem Solving →
Communication is the transfer of information by conveying intended meaning to another entity through the use of mutually-understood means
Profession vs. Occupation
January 18, 2022
Profession vs. Occupation →
Profession is an activity that requires specialized training, knowledge, qualification and skills
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