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Apprentice @ World Vision Social Innovation Challenge

August 14, 2019 2 minutes  • 253 words
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Our submission got accepted to the World Vision Social Innovation Challenge!

World Vision Logo

World Vision is a Christian charity group headquartered in North America with operations in many third world countries, especially the Philippines. They focus on children and the youth.

The Social Innovation Challenge focused on education of the youth-at-risk in Davao, as well as agricultural solutions for a rural community in Cebu, Philippines.

Our Entry

Apprentice aims to give free training to the youth in terms of English, website skills, or farming in exchange for work in SEO, sales, and food production.

It will implement Adam Smith’s proposed educational reform in The Wealth of Nations which advocates liberal apprenticeships over theoretical education in expensive universities. This is because theories and technologies can change and so it would not make sense to invest in learnng something that will be obsolete in the future.

Moreover, the internet allows people to share theoretical knowledge for free and so young people can learn those theories at their own pace and capacity. SORA Learn Pantrypoints Learn organizes such theoretical learning into modules in order to reduce costs and choose the best teachers.

Pantry Learn Logo

Practical training and quality control, however, cannot be done online for all jobs. This is where our practical apprenticeship system comes in. It acts as an organization system for trainers and trainees so that the former can choose the best, while the latter can switch between apprenticeships until he finds the best one for him.


Date .
Dec 12, 2021 Apprentice is now Pantry Learn
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